fast double precision matrix matrix multiply

Fast Double Precision Matrix Matrix Multiply (DGEMM) for square matrices. Optimizations: Memory Alignment, Blocking, Manual Vectorization via Intrinsics (SIMD)

find and understand *nix commands

hownix makes it easy to find and learn how to use linux/unix commands. It searches for, parses and explains command lines found in StackOverflow answers.

chat with folks on your local area network

A bare bones terminal chat program that connects you with people on the same local area network. It uses raw sockets to broadcast messages via multicast IP.

a polyglot twitter bot

Repeatedly translates a quote amongst a randomly selected subset of languages and eventually translates the quote back to English often producing an absurd, whacky and whimsical resulting phrase.

a port of Nathan Marz's specter project from clojure to python.

Assists with querying and updating nested data structures.

an experimental visual web parser in clojure

scavenjr is an experimental visual web parser. Web pages are created for humans to consume. Even poorly designed webpages often have visual cues that assist with perceptive grouping. Loosely drawing from gestalt theory, scavenjr clusters the content of web pages and returns a relational data set that is easy to munge with clojure. (still brewing).

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Solutions and fairly extensive notes (Racket/Scheme).

customary lisp interpreter - in python

supports basic procedures, anonymous functions and the "if" special form.